Hendra & Novi
Kpd. Bpk/Ibu/Saudara/i
Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, kami mengundang anda untuk hadir pada acara pernikahan kami.
The Wedding of
The Wedding of
The Wedding of
13 / 09 / 2024
Kehadiran Bapak/Ibu/Saudara/i akan menjadi kehormatan besar bagi kami dan keluarga.
Mohon konfirmasi kehadiran anda melalui formulir reservasi dibawah ini:
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Maaf gak bisa dateng aku masih diluar kota. Amplopnya sudah ditf 😁
Happy Wedding jik, semoga bahagia selalu 🙏
happy wedding sist, akhirnya ya pik. turut seneng.. much love ajungandre 🥳❤️
Sorry I can’t join your wedding Novi, because I’m still working outside Bali at the moment, I pray that your event goes smoothly and congratulations on your new life. Hopefully you can be happy until the end of life and lasting until old age. Congratulations on the marriage of Novi and husband ✨
Happy Wedding ndra,
Happily Ever After, God Bless..