The Wedding of
KLUNGKUNG | 14 Mei 2024
The Wedding of
The Wedding of
Waktu & Tempat
The Wedding of
KLUNGKUNG | 14 Mei 2024
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Semoga langgeng sampe maut memisahkan…
Dear my beloved anills hope u will always happy to be with ur dearest edun.. many days passed and as ur both witness i truly happy look after u! Now u will be a wife, and have ur second family🤍
Dear edun thanks for ur kind to taking care one of my sister by heart!
Happy life for both of u!
kirrr slmatt mbkwulan dan suami langgeng smpe maut memisahkan cepet”ya dedebayinya
Dumogi stt langgeeng riwekasan wulan n suami🙏
Finally dah gak galau lg ya hehe
Selamat ya wulan 🥰 smoga lancar acaranya sampe hari H 😇🙏🏻